Academic Associate Program (AAP)

The Academic Associate Program (AAP) is a competitive clinical research training program for students, premedical and post-baccalaureate, who are interested in pursuing a career in medicine and are in good academic standing. The program provides an opportunity to engage in clinical research activities in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Cooper University Hospital. The AAP also provides students a unique opportunity to interact with medical school faculty and ED support staff, and promotes the development of mentor-mentee relationships with research faculty.

The program's objectives are fulfilled via lectures and research shifts in the ED. Students serve as research assistants and interact with ED patients and research staff.

The program is offered during the fall, spring and summer semesters. Each session is approximately 10 weeks in length.

Evaluations from Past Students:

"It was an excellent experience and (I) learned a lot. Makes me want to strive even harder to get into medical school."

"I am very happy I participated in this program. I believe it gave me a valuable experience. It has aided me in making my final career decision"

"I wish I would have done this sooner, so I could participate again next semester.”

"This program is an excellent intro to the ED and research for pre-med students."

"I enjoyed working in the hospital because I got a chance to work and interact with the staff."

“It (the AAP) should be something that every premed student gets to experience. Your program is an eye opener for those who are not sure whether or not a career in medicine is for them; and for those who are sure, it introduces them to the different perceptions of doctors and patients.”

“I received a(n acceptance) letter from (a medical school) last Monday. I am so happy, and I know that my research at (the) Cooper ED gave me an edge. I want to say thank you for the experience.”


AAP is a competitive program for students who are serious and motivated about pursuing a career in the medical field. You should be able to commit to at least one 7 hr shift per week. You must attend the orientation and both lectures.

Additional Certification

Students must complete a web-based course sponsored by the NIH Office of Extramural Research on the protection of human subjects in research before the orientation. Students are encouraged to add this certification to their résumés.

Additional Benefits

  • Exposure to emergency medicine faculty, residents and medical students
  • Letter(s) of recommendation by the Division Head of Research, Department of EM
  • Career guidance
  • Potential to take this as an independent study or internship at your local college.
  • Potential to become involved in other research activities.

How to Apply

Please contact Dr. Jones via email expressing your interest in the program.

Christopher Jones, MD
Head, Division of Clinical Research