Conference Schedule

The educational experiences included in the Surgical Critical Care Fellowship Program consist of formal and informal components. The formal components are primarily regularly scheduled conferences and daily teaching rounds. Less formal learning goes on constantly through the interactions between fellows and faculty.

The Surgical Critical Care Conference Series is the backbone of the formal educational program. This conference will be divided between formal lecture presentation topics taken from the Core Curriculum and Journal Club topics of surgical critical care interest. Pertinent clinical guidelines will also be reviewed during some of the Journal Club dates. The critical care faculty will be the moderators for Journal Club sessions. Each surgical critical care fellow will also be required to present three to four of these didactic lectures. Topics will be assigned to them by the Program Director.

Morbidity and Mortality Meeting

The Morbidity and Mortality Meeting is held monthly to review cases with unexpected outcomes (death, complications, etc.). The fellow responsible for the patient at the time of the patient’s death must submit an M&M report using standard form kept in ICU in the critical care section office within 24 hours. For cases selected for review at M&M, that fellow will make a formal presentation.