
In addition to a variety of cases, complex endovascular procedures and cerebral angiography, our fellows have also have a unique opportunity to perform fluoroscopic and CT guided lumbar punctures, biopsies, and pain injections.   Fellows will attend and present at weekly Neurosurgery conference, Morbidity and Mortality conference, Neurovascular conference, and monthly Stroke conference along with many multidisciplinary conferences.

Weekly Neurosurgery Conference

Monday 8 a.m.

A multidisciplinary discussion on interesting cases experienced throughout the hospital system with the Neurosurgery teams. 

Monthly Neurovascular Conference

Monday 8 a.m.  

Multidisciplinary discussions throughout the hospital system lead by the fellow regarding interesting and complex cases.

Monthly Stroke Conference

Monday 12 p.m. 

Monthly sessions that include pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic approach, prognosis and evidence-based management of relevant disease processes.

Monthly Neuroradiology Conference

Friday 12 p.m.

Monthly sessions that are didactic sessions lead by Neuroradiology faculty.

Journal Club Monthly

All fellows present at each monthly journal club. The first half hour is for brief presentations of recent journal articles by fellows and attendings. In the second half hour one fellow presents an article in-depth followed by a discussion.

Weekly Morbidity & Mortality Conference

Monday 9 a.m.

Yearly Neurovascular Symposium

Fellows present at a regional Neurovascular Symposium alongside top faculty from around the world.