Cooper University Health Care's Center for Innovation has received a $100,000 grant from the Foundation for Health Advancement (FHA) to study and develop a new body cavity evacuator used to drain fluid from the pleural space of the lungs.
The novel device, invented and developed by Cooper thoracic surgeon David Shersher, MD, FACS, and Cooper pulmonologist Wissam Abouzgheib, MD, has the potential to provide a more effective, less invasive way to drain fluid from the body than current methods.
Cooper University Health Care’s Innovation Center has received a $70,000 grant from the New Jersey Health Foundation (NJHF) to study a new wearable heart monitor for the early detection of congestive heart failure.
The novel device, invented and developed over several years by Robert A. Hirsh, MD, a member of the Anesthesiology Department at Cooper and associate professor of clinical anesthesiology at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, has the potential to provide an “early warning” and pre-symptom diagnosis and prevention for those at risk of congestive heart failure.